sunshine hitchhiker.

i want to write about love 
because the world right now 
is bleak and grey - 

and you, 
high noon sunshine,
beam between the clouds 

your smile
hitchhiked its way 
across the sky to greet me

i wanted to write this for you. 
i’m really not much of a love poet - 
but you make it easy. 

your green thumb 
planted daffodils, and tulips,
and orchids, and pansies 

right outside the window of my heart
because you knew that 
i value when things stay alive nowadays. 

i could write about how your eyes
are chocolate pools
that are rich enough to make Willy Wonka jealous.

i could write about 
when you kiss me,
i get a glimpse of the rest of my life.

i decided to write about sunshine
and love
at a time where everything is grey.

but now i look up,
and i could’ve sworn 
the room has gotten a little lighter now. 
